Starry Night
Materials: optical fibers, LEDs, photocell, vinyl, foam core
Tools: Arduino, Premiere Pro, Lightroom
Time: 3 days
Why do stars twinkle?
Back in the childhood, I was very fascinated and curious about the stars blinking in the sky. Later on, I learned that it is a result of light passing through the turbulence air in the Earth's atmosphere while being refracted differently from moment to moment. Based on that, I designed this nightlight, following the idea of how we observe stars when we fly towards space from the Earth.
Mode 1
Observing stars from the Earth, we see stars blinking.
Two RGB LEDs are programmed to randomly emit the complimentary colors at a 1000ms delay, generating blinking effect.
Mode 2
Looking at stars when passing through the upper atmosphere, we see stars crossfading.
The LEDs spontaneously change their color (from red to green, green to blue, blue to red) in a smooth transition.
Mode 3
Observing stars in space, we see the static light from stars.
The LEDs emit steady white light. The brightness is controlled through the photoresistor.
The most challenging and time-consuming task was to bend the optical fiber and insert each of them into the foam core, which took me 3 hours.
Arduino Code
It was my first time to learn C/C++ and make something functional in Arduino. I especially enjoyed the debugging process.
See the Arduino code >
What I've learned
1. Code debugging (Serial monitor in Arduino) is crucial during the design process.

2. Learning through making.

3. A good story behind the design makes it alive.

4. Using optical fiber will be a good option when there is a need to incorporate light transfer within a limited space.
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you